Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Know The Companion: Rose Tyler

Fact file
Companion of: Ninth and Tenth Doctor
Origins: The Powell Estate
First Appearance: Rose (2005)
Aliases: Bad Wolf, Dame Rose of the Powell Estate
Parents: Pete and Jackie Tyler
Finest Hour: Bad Wolf
Rose is a fan's favourite and is widely regarded as 'The' companion for the new era of Doctor Who. Rose used to work in a department store, she had a very brief encounter with the Doctor there - she was told to run before he blew up the whole building.
Adventures with the Ninth Doctor
 After successfully defeating the autons, the Doctor invited Rose to travel the universe with him; at first she declined but then changed her mind and went off with him.
 Together they travelled to the End of the World and to Victorian times to meet Charles Dickens before returning to London in her own time where she had been missing for a year. Whilst in London, the Doctor and Rose had to fight off the Slitheen in Downing Street. They moved on quickly, stopping a surviving Dalek and visiting Satellite 5 to stop the Jagrafess. Afterwards, Rose requested a visit to the day when her father, Pete, died. Rose stopped her father's death from happening, creating the Reapers - pterodactyl like creatures that killed innocent humans. Pete saved the day though, jumping in front of a car to reverse what had happened. They continued their adventures, saving the gas mask people in the Blitz, picking up Captain Jack Harkness along the way, and capturing a surviving Slitheen to put to justice.
 In Bad Wolf  the Doctor, Rose and Jack where blasted into Game Shows - Rose was vaporised in a horror edition of  'The Weakest Link'. It turned out that she had been teleported to the Dalek fleet where she met the Emperor. The episode ended with the Doctor and Jack flying straight at the Dalek ship. In The Parting of the Ways Rose was rescued by the Doctor and Jack before being taken back to Satellite 5 before being transported home. Rose went to great lengths to get back to the Doctor, she absorbed the time vortex and got back to him before she destroyed all the Daleks. But the power was too much for her, she began to burn; the Doctor took all the power, forcing his regeneration. 
Adventures with the Tenth Doctor
 She continued her adventures with the Doctor's next incarnation: stopping the Sycorax, the cat sisters at New Earth, helping Queen Victoria with a werewolf before being knighted, meeting Sarah Jane Smith at a school and defeating clockwork fighters in the 51st and 18th centuries. Their travels took them to a parallel universe where Rose met a different version of her father, parallel Pete, and trapped Cybermen in factories all over the country. They left Rose's boyfriend, Mickey, behind in the parallel universe before visiting coronation England, a far away space station orbiting a black hole, when the Ood made their first appearance and helped the Isolis at the 2012 Olympics. They returned to 21st century London to find strange Ghosts, occupying the Earth. The people behind the Ghost's were Torchwood and in fact they weren't Ghosts, they were Cybermen. The metal monsters took control and looked like they were going to upgrade the Universe before the Cult of Skaro arrived, a group of four Daleks - the most imaginative ever created. The two foes fought in an epic battle before the Doctor, with the help of his parallel friends, sucking them into the void. Rose ended up trapped in the parallel world after trying to stay behind - sealing them off from the Doctor forever.
Rose's Return
 At the end of series 4, Rose returned to help the Doctor, Donna, Martha, Captain Jack and Sarah Jane fight off Davros and the Daleks. She ran across collapsing worlds to find the Doctor, on the way meeting Donna and helping her put the past back to the way it should've been. When she finally met the Doctor again they were captured and taken to the Dalek crucible where the human Doctor and the Doctor-Donna saved them and destroyed the Daleks. Rose was taken back to the parallel world where she would live with the human doctor, to make him better.
The 50th Anniversary
 Rose and the Tenth Doctor shall return on the 23rd of November.
 Coming soon:
 Know The Companion: Martha
 Why We Need Two-Parters
 Eleventh Hour Episode Review

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