Tuesday 6 August 2013

River Song's Timeline

A question often asked by who fans is: What order does River experience events in?
Today I shall answer this question using TV episodes and minisodes.

River's Timeline:

TV: A Good Man Goes to War
As a baby.
TV: The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon
As a little girl in 1969 and 1970.
TV: Let's Kill Hitler
Set decades after Day of the Moon, but resolves the final scene of that story. River enrolls at Luna University.
TV: Closing Time
TV: The Wedding of River Song
TV: The Impossible Astronaut
The Wedding of River Song directly follows Closing Time. Her scenes from The Wedding of River Song at 2011 Lake Silencio take place near her future self. The Impossible Astronaut overlaps these events. River is imprisoned at Stormcage following The Wedding of River Song.
MINISODE: First Night
MINISODE: Last Night
In First Night and Last Night we see multiple River Songs from different points in her time stream. One River is from early in her timeline, on the first night of her imprisonment in Stormcage. The second River has been in Stormcage for not less than 5 years and not more then 6. The second River comments on the dress that the Doctor brings for the first River and asks him "does anyone agree to wear that dress?" River goes on to wear the dress in question first during the events of Day of the Moon and later for her date with the Doctor in Darillium. This places the events of The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon as more than five years into her prison sentence.
TV: A Good Man Goes to War
In A Good Man Goes to War we see River speak to Rory at Stormcage, and we later see River show up at the end of the Battle of Demon's Run. The River who speaks to Rory at Stormcage is likely an older River then the River at Demon's Run, as she knows when she appears and is able to reference Demon's Run in her diary.
TV: The Impossible Astronaut
TV: The Wedding of River Song
The Impossible Astronaut features the older River who sees her past self at the lakeside in 2011. The Wedding of River Song overlaps with these events.
TV: Day of the Moon
Part two of The Impossible Astronaut.
TV: The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
TV: The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone
River is not yet a professor. She refers to the events of The Pandorica Opens to the Eleventh Doctor, who hasn't yet witnessed them.
TV: The Wedding of River Song 
(final scene)Immediately follows the events of Flesh and Stone.
TV: The Angels Take Manhattan
River has been pardoned from Stormcage and is now a professor.
MINISODE: Last Night
In Last Night we see multiple River Songs and multiple Eleventh Doctors from different points in their respective time streams. One of the Doctors is taking River to the Singing Towers of Darillium, which is the last time River sees the Doctor before Silence in the Library.
TV: Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
River dies in the Library, but has her data ghost uploaded to the computer.
TV: The Name of The Doctor
The River in this episode is the River stored in the Library's computer. This is the first appearance of River in her timeline after her death.

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