Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Top 10 Saddest Who Episodes 2005-present (Part 1)

10. The Doctor Dances

 Some people may disagree here but I not only thoroughly enjoyed this episode, I found it very moving. When you see Nancy's interaction throughout both parts of the story you can tell that there is a very special connection.
 The end scene of this episode was very powerful too. When the child and the mother reunite it's a very special moment.


 9.  Planet of the Ood

 Despite being comical, this episode has very sad parts to it. Firstly there is the Ood in the prison cell holding their brains; what's great about this scene is Donna's emotion - she realises that these creatures want to be free and the song they are singing is an extremely sad one. Also there is the part where the Ood are freed and can join each other in their telepathic web.

8. Vincent and the Doctor

 I really love this episode because it sums up not only Vincent Van Gogh but also Amy Pond really well. Amy shows such sympathy and compassion towards Vincent and he shows love to her also. The final scene in the gallery is tear jerking too when the tour guide explains why Van Gogh is 'The Greatest Painter Who Ever Lived.'
 Then there's the creature they are fighting. It isn't until the very end when you see how scared and lost it is do you realise that it only wants to get back to it's family. It's for these reasons that I have put this episode at the number 8 spot.
7. Cold Blood
 The second of three Matt Smith episodes in my list. I thought the first 40 minutes of this episode were quite standard to be honest until that shocking twist at the end where the crack in time took Rory from the world. I was completely mortified when Amy forgot him - it was painful to watch.
6. Journey's End
 In the final episode of series four we said goodbye to Donna, hello to Rose and then 45 minutes later we said goodbye to Rose. Unlike Martha and Rose before her, there was no love interest from Donna towards the Doctor but this in some ways made saying goodbye to her even harder. After the Doctor-Donna was born, the audience knew it was the end for Donna because no human could have that sort of DNA in them. What made her leaving even worse though was the fact that she couldn't remember a thing.
 Then there's Rose. She returned to the Doctor's life much to the delight of the Whoniverse, but after the human Doctor was created she needed to make him better and that meant going back to the parallel universe. It did end happily for her though as she was able to spend her life with the human doctor. The person who the episode was hardest on though was the Doctor - he was left with nobody.
Come back tomorrow for Part 2 where the saddest episode will be revealed...

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